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Game Name : Bust A Groove
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-09-05 10:44:25
Views : 21438

Bonus level
After beating the first level with shorty, hit up, down, left, right, and circle and it will take you to a new level with a mystery player.

Play as Robo-Z
Complete the game under the normal difficulty level with any character after getting Capoeira.

Sparkly Kelly
Start a 1 or 2 player game and choose Kelly as your character. When the match starts perform your attack, and hit start as she winds up to deliver it. choose "retry" from the pause menu and when the match restarts, Kelly will be surrounded by sparks which will last for the remainder of the match, or until she performs another attack.
Play as Capoeira
Complete the game under the normal difficulty level with any character.

Play as Burger Dog
Complete the game under the normal difficulty level with Hamm after getting Robo-Z.

Flat Characters
Pick either Burger Dog or Hamm as your character. When you're "grooving" do your special attack twice in a row.

Winning Pose Close-up
Hold Circle after winning a stage.

Play as Alternate Character
Highlight a character, then hold Select and press X.

Level Skip
Complete the game once with any character. Begin game play in single player mode and press L2 + Select when a song begins to jump to the next level.

Super Solos
Try these moves during the solo part of the dance. (The part where you take turns dancing.)

Heat: Up, Down, Up, Circle
Frida: Up, Down, Up, Circle
Strike: Up, Up, Left, Circle
Hamm: Down, Right Up, Circle
Kelly: Right, Left, Right, Circle
Shorty: Down, Down, Down, Circle
Hiro: Right, Up, Down, Circle
Pinky Diamond: Up, Left, Up, Circle
Gas-O: Left, Down, Right, Up, Circle
Kitty NakaJima: Down, Down, Right, Circle
Capoeira: Right, Up, Right, X
Robo-Z: Up, Down, Left Right, Circle
Columbo: Down, Down, Down, Circle
Burger Dog: Down, Right, Up, Circle

Jumping Columbo
Be Shorty on two players, and after you go all the way through any combo twice complete the 0 combo and Columbo should jump out of Shorty's pocket.

Different Capoeira Scenery
When dancing on Capoeira's stage, do your secret moves during a solo. If done correctly, the walls will go down and instead of being in the clouds, you will be in outer space with Earth and the Moon in sight.

Dance Preview
Complete the game under the easy difficulty level with any character for there dance view.

Play as Columbo
Complete the game under the normal difficulty level with Shorty after getting Robo-Z.

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